Friday, April 19, 2013

Dizziness Drama

Roland's dizzy spells have been just part of the adventure.  Usually he holds on to the nearest wall or sits down until they pass.  This morning, he suddenly collapsed to the floor.  I was taken aback and knelt next to him not fully understanding what happened.  He didn't move for a while and then asked me what had happened. I guessed that he fainted.  He thought that seemed right because he remembered feeling dizzy and ignored the feeling.  I cried for awhile because he was able to talk (relief) and because I felt a pang of "too much drama this year."  I did some simple tests to be sure it wasn't a stroke by having him raise his arms above his head, smile and then I listened for slurring of speech)  He seems to be fine; he thankfully didn't hit his head.  His right knee will likely have a bruise and his lower back and left knee also hurt.  Just when I think I can back off with care-taking,  I get this reminder to be "en garde."  It reminds me of this post.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited things are getting better for you. I continue to keep your names in the DC temple and think of you often.
