Roland would rather not eat or drink, so there are two tricks I use to combat this. One is to make eating also part of our entertainment. We have had more eating "dates" lately because of this. The other is to bring it to him and present it so it looks as pretty as possible. I like to give him drinks or smoothies in goblets and serve meals in red bowls and plates because warm colors are more appetizing. It might not really matter, but it is something I can do and that is important to me in this adventure when so much is so out of my control.
Friday night there was a nice surprise at the doorstep. Someone had taken the time to prepare a special movie night for our family. There was a movie (The Sorcerer's Appentice), movie popcorn, and movie candy all packaged up so colorfully. What touched us most was the card written with kind sentiments and encouragement. What a thoughtful thing to do and since we don't know who to thank, we just feel thankful to everyone we see.
We have gotten to know our neighbors better this year. One of these is a woman who recently lost her husband. Our kids find her delightful because she laughs so much. She has shared old time movies and eggs from her chickens with us.
Tori came for the weekend and brought Star Wars candy dispensers that make techno noises or Darth Vader breathing while dispensing. Someone left them in her apartment when they moved out. She also brought lots of surprises from her roommate's gluten free bakery. She brought the card game Five Crowns which Roland learned from his Dad and Donna when he stayed with them. Most of all she brings joy. She loves being with us. She helped Reece ask someone to Prom. She conducts PTIs (Personal Tori Interviews) with each sibling and makes each of us feel like we are the one she came to see.
All these diversions help distract him from the general crummy feeling he has most of the time. I think his favorite is the research he has been doing. Today it is Herodotus' history.
He is feeling well enough to substitute at the ESL program at SUU next week for a few hours.
We are going to try lavendar oil on Roland's feet tonight to see if it helps with restless leg syndrome. Now, if anyone knows a remedy for ringing in the ears... we are *ahem* all ears.
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