Roland's stomach has not been feeling well. I am pretty sure this is normal and is related to his tender esophagus. He asked for some ginger ale. Ginger is supposed to be a great stomach settler. I don't usually buy soda so I read the labels to see what I was getting for him. One brand didn't even have any ginger in it the other had high fructose corn syrup as the second ingredient. I got some S. Pelingrino and set out to make my own better-for-you ginger ale. First I chopped up some ginger (that seemed like a good place to start) then I heated some water and honey and steeped the cheesecloth wrapped ginger in it. This became the concentrate. I put some crushed ice in a glass, added some concentrate and topped it off with the soda water. I think it is a fine alternative and more importantly he likes it. Now I am working on making my own better-for-you protein shake.
It has been a beautiful sunny day today so he has taken the opportunity to sit on the back porch like a lizard to get a little color to his pale face and newly shaved head.
You are brilliant!