Monday, February 11, 2013

Chemo Adventure Begins

Day one of Chemo included lots of precautionary meds to counter nausea and unpleasant reactions. It took about five hours.  The infusion room had some recliners, but since his leg is still painful, he was given the only private room with a bed.  He liked that special treatment.  He feels a little woosy, but so far so good.  He has noticeable improvement in the left leg.  The swelling has gone down. Unfortunately the muscle mass in his right leg has also noticeably decreased.  He has reduced his dose of pain medicine, but it is working.  He is thankful for the pre-meds because they are working to counter the nausea, and headache.  He doesn't feel like he is suffering too much.  Foods are starting to taste like metal.  Tomorrow starts radiation therapy.  He will lose his chest hair from the radiation treatment, but he will lose all his hair because of the strong Chemo.  Jay wants him to learn the "Veggie Tales" song with these lyrics:

  I'm a bald bunny, don't got no fur.
I'm a bald bunny, brrr, brrr, brrr.

Jay also made and installed a hand sanitizer station at the garage entrance to the house, so the children coming home from school can disinfect.

Tikla shared this comic with him since he has done so much teaching.  Roland loves Calvin and Hobbes.
Calvin Mocks Education System

We have so many things to be thankful for.  A friend in our ward family told me when we first found out about this "adventure" that as we hike this difficult path that there are many in the ward who will want to scythe the way.  I had no idea how true this statement would turn out to be.  Our neighbor to the West regularly snow plows our driveway.  Two others have lent us their cars while ours is in for repair.  (Someone drove it to the shop for us.)  Cookies on plates arrive at the door.  Delicious home cooked meals have been brought. Cards, flowers, gifts and drop-in visits to bring cheer.  I feel like I have so many phone numbers of family and friends I could call for help with whatever I might need at any time of the day or night.  My heart is full of love for these wonderful people.

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