Thursday, February 28, 2013

More Mobility

I sometimes think about whether this life we are living now is the new normal.  I find that if I just think about the needs of  today, I am much happier.  It is when my thoughts wander too far ahead that I begin to get a troubled feeling that pretty much ruins my day.  

Ro has been much more able to get around.  He can do stairs, take out the trash, and today he even drove himself to the store.  I was surprised how protective I felt.  Of course he can drive by himself, I had to remind myself.  But, this afternoon he started languishing.  He didn't want to take a nap hoping that he would sleep longer at night.  I think sleeping when  he is tired is a great luxury that he can enjoy right now. 

I played Scrabble with him today because I know how much he loves it.  I am not a bad player, but when I play against him or MariLou or his Dad, I feel like English is my second language.  We didn't keep score, but we both know he creamed me.  

I am a little embarrassed to include this note of compliments from Roland, but he asked if I would.  See how sweet and appreciative he is! 

"A quick note from Roland:
A lot of good things have come from this blood clot/cancer episode in my life.  One is my increased appreciation for Shauna.  I’ve been home when kids come home and have seen what she does every day for them.  On top of what she does every day, she now has been driving me to the hospital daily and sometimes to St. George, and everywhere else I’ve needed to go.  She makes the meals. She helps make sure I am eating and drinking enough—even though I’ve been extremely picky about what I take in.  She arranged for the children to take turns being my cheerleader. She makes sure I am taking my medicines properly.  She has taken copious notes about everything I do and every way I feel every day.  She has maintained this blog for those who really care about what is going on.  She gives me injections every morning and night.  She stays on top of bills and most financial record keeping.  She is more beautiful than she has ever been.  She is the best communicator with friends and family that I know.  She likes to be with me.   She is pretty much everything to me.  I feel so lucky to be married to this amazing person."


  1. Makes my heart warm and eyes wet. <3

  2. I always knew Roland was a sweet guy. Thanks for giving him a chance to brag on you. Remembering you in prayer. Helen Ann

  3. Just heard about this new trial in your lives. You both have a special place in my heart. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. This is such good news, Roland and Shauna! Shiona and I have thought about you both daily. We keep you both in our prayers and thoughts.

    Let's keep the good news coming!

    Love, Brian and Shiona
