Sunday, February 3, 2013

Looking on the Bright Side

As I mentioned, Roland wanted to see Annie, but couldn't.  We received a call today asking Roland if he would like to have Annie from the show sing to him at his house.  Roland was so happy.  The star of Annie, one of the orphans (her sister), and the piano player (her dad) from the pit orchestra came to our house and sang with piano accompaniment "Maybe" and "Tomorrow" (great, timely message in that song).  We were both touched by their thoughtfulness and especially the singing.

I received a letter of encouragement from my brother who suggested that Roland tell the stage 3 cancer to exit his body, stage right! (or left)  :)

We have had many offers to help us out.  People have brought meals or cookies to our home. They seem to arrive on days when I am so physically and emotionally exhausted that the plan for dinner would have otherwise been make your own PB and J.   It is a great comfort to have a good meal for our family when I don't have the strength to prepare something. Not to mention the relief of the "care taker" being cared for. The children are also amazed at the kindness.

Tikla brought cute "Ground Hog Day" chocolate cupcakes to celebrate February 2nd.  See the little almonds for ears.  There is whipped cream under those shortbread cookie toppers.

The children all sang in spontaneous harmony together.  There is no better sound. (except Roland's soft breathing!)  We played games, got silly and laughed together.

During times like this, drawing strength from each other by spending time together is a great spiritual uplift.  We talked about trusting and proceeding with confidence if we know we are doing the right thing.  We talked about our different strengths and how to strengthen our weaknesses.

Paul, Lisa, and Christian visited and brought their cheerfulness and a health drink we can make called Kefir.

We have so appreciated the visits and calls and general outpouring of love and concern. Truly prayers are being answered in surprising ways big and small.

1 comment:

  1. "What if our trials are just our mercies in disguise?" I found these song lyrics in Kait's scrapbook, but it's a concept I think about a lot. God calls them "tender mercies."
    You're all in my prayers every day.--MariLou
