Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How Chill Can He Be?

Those of you who know Roland well, know that he has as even a disposition as one can have. Right? And while I have learned to be steadier than I came wired to be through many opportunities to "practice", I still have my fall-apart times. It is fortunate that they have come when Roland is pain free and able to care for his own needs. Doesn't this next scene just say so much about my man. Today I was in his recliner, weeping while he rubbed my feet. I don't know why I cry. It always makes my face puffy and gives me a headache.

He had his scans. While we were waiting and he was drinking the "contrast" like he was by the sea with a tropical refreshment complete with a colorful paper umbrella (this gave me the giggles), I got a call from the doctor who said his bronchoscopy appointment miraculously had been moved up from February 11 to January 30. Much of my crying earlier today was related to the long wait for that important biopsy information.

Some people get claustrophobic and need to take anti-anxiety medicine before getting in the tube-like MRI machine. He must have been very relaxed (see sentence one) because two scans needed to be retaken due to the relaxing of his jaw and the slight head vibrations made while he was SNORING!


  1. Hahaha! Oh my goodness! Roland is my hero--I sooo want to be like that but alas, I am much more Shauna-esque. Sigh.

  2. I just really like my parents a lot.
