Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sleep? Who Needs it?

What a long day yesterday was. In the morning as we were getting ready at 5 am Roland said that he hopes that 2013 will be a lucky year for us. He really liked it when the lung specialist told him he was in the "young" category so he didn't need to be off Lovenox very long before the procedure and could resume shots the next day.

That afternoon, the oncologist was amazed with how great Roland looked when he came for his appointment  after having a camera down his throat earlier in the day. The "Orc cough" came back but that is normal.   She encouraged him to take it easy and get lots of rest.  She thinks he is working too much.  Finally someone who agrees with me! She confirmed what the lung specialist said: There are no signs of cancer other than in the left lung and Monday we will know if it is in the lymph nodes in the center of his chest and then we will know the stage and can map out a treatment plan. She was very positive and told us that a good attitude in this situation is extremely helpful.  Roland, ever the card, asked if that included a good attitude about dying.  She reminded him that if it was his wife who was going through this, he might not have a great attitude about her dying.  I think he got it. He taught his two hour class right after that appointment.  Hmmmm.

He fell asleep right after dinner, but woke up as the kids were readying for bed.  He told me his left leg felt a little sore and stiff.  Upon examination, I immediately noticed it was a light shade of purple and quite swollen.  He agreed to go to the ER at around 11 pm because it seemed unusual.  Yay!  He was told that his clot was causing the "traffic jam" and was given Lovenox and an ultra sound which indicated the clot had grown and spread.  There was talk of putting in a filter in the morning after seeing his regular doctor and conferring with the oncologist. We finally got back to bed at about 2 am. After getting the kids off to school, I called the doctor and miraculously, we were able to secure an appointment this morning.  Roland went without food or water in case they could do the surgery today.  It was decided that the surgery would be too risky given his propensity to clot so quickly after being off Lovenox.  So we came home, ate breakfast and we are both long overdue for some sleep.  I told him that his sense of humor is not as good when I am tired, hungry and stressed out.  He told me that my sense of humor diminishes in those circumstances and that his is steady.  I think he is right.  I feel very tired, so I can't imagine how worn out Roland must be. Thank you for your love.  We are feeling it.  It is so important for us to stay in tune with what direction to take.


  1. So is his leg still purple? :/

  2. Not anymore. The blood thinning shot really helped. He is keeping it elevated and not moving around much.
