Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Ro didn't sleep well and is not so happy today. (Those narcotics are not compatible with his normally happy disposition, but they work well for pain.) It is good that he isn't working at all today. I won't dwell on that. Instead I will share that the first night home from the hospital Roland woke up quite medicated. He was very concerned that he was forgetting the names of all the people who drew blood or checked his vitals or refilled his water jug. He started saying the names he could remember, "I need to write all of them Thank You notes." I didn't want him to worry about that, so I told him we could do that later and that those people would want him to put his energies into getting better. It helps if he sees his taking care of himself as helpful to others. It also is effective if I give him a choice as to how I help him with things. Yesterday he worked two hours in the morning (teaching ESL advanced grammar), had his fermata shot and then taught two more hours in the afternoon. WOW! It was NOT my idea. The hardest part for him was walking in 10 degree coldness across campus to the different classrooms. (Instant coughing trigger) The hardest part for me was letting him go and not going with him. Because he only had heavy doses of Ibuprofen during the day, he was cheerful and fun. The Wankiers brought over his favorite game: Scrabble. We moved the recliner over to the table and he made a score sheet, "Alex, Stering, 'Coughy', Starr." He used the microwave glass turntable so the board could rotate (clever guy). I felt like he was in good hands, so I ventured out to the high school to watch the one act play that Reece wrote and directed. It was good to have that mind diversion. I recognize a few ways that I have been prepared for this situation besides generally with the previous trials I have been through. A few months ago, I was prompted to eliminate certain foods from my diet. (My favorite things: wheat, sugar,and dairy products) I didn't know exactly why I felt I needed to do this, but I have felt a closeness to the Spirit as I have exercised self control with what I choose to eat. Yesterday when I was feeling down and a little helpless not knowing what our future path will be I felt comfort in that at least I can have some control with what I eat. It may sound silly or simple, but it has been a blessing to me and a reminder that my Heavenly Father knows me and is aware of our situation. On my fridge are four words that have been there since June 2012: "TRUST no matter what."

1 comment:

  1. I love that the microwave turntable was under the Scrabble board. ;)

